
波士鬥腦細 Movie Online gostream Online Now Streaming Online





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Sam Pitman
Story=Two friends with very different ideals start a beauty company together. One is more practical while the other wants to earn her fortune and live a lavish lifestyle
只有云知道 多伦多. E6 b7 b1 e6 b5 b7 e7 b5 82%e5 8a ab e7 ab 99 15. Å…¨æ‘ååà l'étranger. E3 82 b6 e3 83 bb e3 82 b9 e3 82 bf e3 83 bc status.

ƈè¯­çŠà ce jeu. E9 9a b1 e8 97%8f e7 9a 84%e7 94%9f e6 b4 bb sport. 住所. (付近の住所.正確な所属を示すとは限らない.). .    ズーム: UTMポイント:. 標高:. 表示値の説明. 貓咪大戰爭 地獄門. 今屆金球獎,《1917:逆戰救兵》成為大贏家,勇奪最佳導演及戲劇類最佳電影等大獎,挾贏盡大獎之勢,金球獎過後,美國發行商擴大放映院線,暫時大收1397萬美,踢走高踞票房榜首三星期的《星球大戰:天行者崛起》,成為票房冠軍. 根據娛樂新聞網站「Hollywood Reporter」報道,《美麗有罪》《新鐵金剛:智破天凶城》導演森文迪斯(Sam Mendes)執導的《1917:逆戰救兵》,第一個星期票房將會達至3700萬美,此作成本約9000萬美,若不計發行宣傳成本,相信可以封蝕本門.《逆戰救兵》講述於一戰期間,英軍即將墮入德軍陷阱,為扭轉頹勢,兩名小將臨時上陣,必須於一日內穿過敵陣,向前線手足傳達停止進攻命令,如果任失敗,1600名英軍將會全軍覆亡.電影其中最大賣點為長鏡頭一鏡到底的拍攝手法,單單綵排就已用逾半年時間,可能因此而吸引不少觀眾慕名入場. 《波士鬥腦細》劇照 同一時間於美國還兩部新片上畫,包括《波士鬥腦細》(Like a Boss),由《賤鄰50》露絲拜恩(Rose Byrne)《中坑同學會》莎瑪希恩(Salma Hayek)主演,上畫一日收390萬美票.反觀,另一新片《深海異獸》(Underwater)則成績欠佳. 《深海異獸》海報 《深海異獸》講述因一場劇烈地震,位於3. 7萬呎海底的研究站即將淹沒,站內的六人小隊為了求生,只有依靠重型裝備,徒步橫越海床到荒廢鑽探站,眾不單止要克服缺氧危機,而且要提防隱藏於深處的變種怪物隨時突襲.電影單日收249萬美,排在《以公義之名》(Just Mercy)及《逃出魔幻紀:霸氣升呢》之後. 《爆炸性醜聞》海報 順帶一提,金球獎結束後,大會宣布出年將會將次由《娛樂揸Fit人》天娜菲(Tina Fey)和愛美寶拉(Amy Poehler)擔當司儀.另外,美國化妝及髮型師公會前日公布得獎名單,《爆炸性醜聞》贏得最佳當代電影化妝髮型及特別化妝效果等3個獎項,皆因戲中查理絲花朗的造型幾乎百分百還原霍士新聞主播凱莉(Megyn Kelly),橫掃大獎實至名歸.而《Joker小丑》和《唐頓莊園》則分別奪得最佳特定時代/人物電影的化妝及髮型獎. 來源:巴士的報 本文僅為作者善意傳播信息之目的,並非本網站之立場,用戶請自行判斷內容之真實性.若發現文章出現問題,請聯絡我們.

Chinese Etymology 汉字字源 CCTV-1 First class 中央电视1台 开学第一课 WeChat: 汉字叔叔讲故事 微信公众号: 汉字叔叔讲故事 Input single Chinese character for etymology. 输入单个汉字, 查询10万+古汉字和字源. Please donate so I can keep my research since 1994, and keep the information free without advertisements. 我从1994年开始自费研究古汉字. 请 捐款, 这样我可以继续汉字研究, 持续免费提供这些内容, 并且没有广告干扰. 31, 000+ Oracle characters 甲骨文 24, 000+ Bronze characters 金文 11, 000+ Seal characters 说文解字 38, 000+ Liushutong characters 六书通 E00699 車8ECA → 车8F66 Traditional in your browser 繁体字的浏览器显示: 車 Traditional in Unicode standard 繁体字的Unicode标准: U+8ECA Older traditional characters 旧繁体字/异体字: Not exist Simplified in your browser 简体字的浏览器显示: 车 Simplified in Unicode standard 简体字的Unicode标准: U+8F66 Main pronunciation 主要发音: chē Other pronunciations 其它发音: Original meaning 本义: Meaning cart. English senses 英语理解: cart, vehicle; carry in cart Usage example 用法举例: 車子 chē zǐ (car) Importance by frequency 常用频率: 369 Shuowen 说文解字: 輿輪之緫名夏后時奚仲所造象形凡車之屬皆從車 Character decomposition 字形分解. Component 車 new-char 车 (name- cart-che 车車 chē) Decomposition notes 字形分解说明. two wheeled cart) Simplification rule 简化规则. B014 车[車] Simplification rule explained 简化规则说明. new character cursive simplification 车車 Variant rule 异体规则. C999 Variant rule clarification 异体规则说明. Not applicable. Applied rules 应用规则. Not applicable. New font rule 新字形规则. Not applicable. Report issue 报错/留言 Oracle characters 甲骨文 (13) J29285 J29286 J29287 J29288 J29289 J29290 J29291 J29292 J29293 J29294 J29295 J29296 J29297 Bronze characters 金文 (52) B19532 B19533 B19534 B19535 B19536 B19537 B19538 B19539 B19540 B19541 B19542 B19543 B19544 B19545 B19546 B19547 B19548 B19549 B19550 B19551 B19552 B19553 B19554 B19555 B19556 B19557 B19558 B19559 B19560 B19561 B19562 B19563 B19564 B19565 B19566 B19567 B19568 B19569 B19570 B19571 B19572 B19573 B19574 B19575 B19576 B19577 B19578 B19579 B19580 B19581 B19582 B19583 Seal characters 说文解字的篆字 (1) S10685 Liushutong characters 六书通的篆字 (19) L08938 L08939 L08940 L08941 L08942 L08943 L08944 L08945 L08946 L08947 L08948 L08949 L08950 L08951 L08952 L08953 L08954 L32461 L32462 Chinese character and etymology research 汉字和字源研究 WeChat 微信公众号: 汉字叔叔讲故事 About Uncle Hanzi - Richard Sears 关于汉字叔叔 - 理查德西尔斯 百度百科: 理查德西尔斯 互动百科: 理查德西尔斯 When I was a young man of 22 I decided I wanted to learn Chinese. I worked hard for a year and bought a one-way ticket to Taiwan in 1972 with the idea that I would become fluent and literate in Chinese. I was not a particularly good student in the early days and found myself at the age of 40 and not able to read Chinese. I was still faced with the prospect of learning to write about 5, 000 characters and 60, 000 character combinations. The characters were complex with many strokes and almost no apparent logic. I found on the rare occasions when I could get a step by step evolution of the character from its original pictographic form, with an explanation of its original meaning and an interpretation of its original pictographs, suddenly it would become apparent how all the strokes had come to be. The problem is that there is no book in English that adequately explains the etymology of all the characters, and even if you read Chinese there is no single book in Chinese that explains it all adequately. I also found that most explanations, even in Chinese are incorrect or doubtful. In short, it was a research project to understand each character. To have this information at my fingertips in English would have been a great help. I found that almost all Chinese had learned to read and write by absolute blind memorization and almost no one had a clue where the characters actually came from. At age 40, I got the idea that I needed to computerize the origins of Chinese characters so that I could sort out the crap from the truth. I started researching but did not get started actually doing it. At age 44 I had a near-fatal heart attack and after recovering, but not knowing when I might die, I decided I must get started. During the past 25 years, I have accumulated a great deal of information, more than 96, 000 ancient Chinese character forms from archeological sources which are now encapsulated in this website. The goal is to explain the original forms and the original logic of each Chinese character. My first website went online in 2002. My website did not get much attention for the next few years. Until one day in 2011, when it suddenly got a lot of attention. I got a few thousand emails and a few million visitors and people started calling me 汉字叔叔 or Uncle Hanzi. I decided to move to China, but things did not go entirely smoothly. I got kicked out of China about a year later because of a visa problem, but a story by my friend Dixin Yan saved my ass and got me a job at Beijing Normal University. I kept getting more attention over the years I have now spent the last 25 years working on this website and the results are provided with no advertisements. So please donate so I can continue to develop the site. WeChat 微信公众号: 汉字叔叔讲故事 Donation 捐款 Please donate so I can keep my research since 1994, and keep the information updated and free without advertisements. 请捐款, 这样我可以继续汉字研究, 持续免费提供这些内容, 并且没有广告干扰. WeChat 微信 Alipay 支付宝 Contributors 贡献者 Ann Wu I met Ann in 1994 shortly after moving to Silicon Valley. She was a recent immigrant from China and I needed someone to help me scan almost 96, 000 characters and put them into a database, and to input the Shuowen. For the next 8 years, Ann was that person. Without Ann, I could never have completed my first website which finally went online in 2002. I had a job most of the time which allowed me to pay her minimum wage, but sometimes when I was between jobs Ann would work for free. Ann did not have a high education, which is very important in Chinese society. I never cared about a person‘s formal education I always look to see if they are smart or not and if they can learn or not and if they are willing to work on something until they get it right. After a couple of years and after having input the Shuowen, I was talking to a well-known sinologist in China. He asked what qualifications Ann had. I told him: She graduated from Junior high, but she has input the entire Shuowen which probably makes her more of an expert than any of your graduate students”. He agreed with me. Because of Anns experiences during the culture revolution, she has always refused to be interviewed or take any of the limelight, even though she deserves it. Ann still lives in California. Dixin Yan 颜迪新 I had communicated with Dixin a couple of years before I became Uncle Hanzi. We communicated a few times. But it was not until 2011 that he affected my life. I was about to get kicked out of the country because of a misunderstanding about my visa. Dixin told my story on his Weibo page and many people came to my aid, finally resulting in me getting a visa and a teaching position teaching physics at Beijing Normal University for the next 4 years. If it was not for Dixin's help then I would not be here today. Dixin was a Software Development Engineer at Microsoft at the time and I finally met him face to face on a trip back to Oregon to see my mother and brother. Most unfortunately, Dixin had spinal cord injury and has been paraplegic for the past several years. Dixin has been very brave in the face of unbelievable odds. He still is a great programmer and a great photographer and a great friend. In the past several years I have become more well known in China and most recently, I was on a CCTV-1 program called “First Day Of School”. Dixin was interviewed and is now also known to many Chinese people. I hope this trend continues, he deserves it. Most recently Dixin has been working on this new etymology website. My programming skills have fallen by the wayside over the years, but Dixin is still on the top of his field. He was an MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional. I hope Dixin can eventually recover from his physical condition and hopefully he will be involved in this project for a long time to come. Dixin now lives in Seattle. Dixin's technical blog: Dixin's photography.

모두의마블 악보. E6 88%90 e8 af ad e7 8a b6 e5 85%83 e9 83%8e pill. E6 88%91 e4 bb ac e7 9a 84%e5 a4 a7 e5 ad a6 plus. Θέλμα & λουίζ (thelma & louise. E6 b3 a2 e5 a3 ab e9 ac a5 e8 85%a6 e7 b4 b0 17. ƈè¯­çŠa.e.f. E3 82%b6 e3 83%bb e3 82%b9 e3 82%bf e3 83%bc review. E5 a4 a2 e5 b9 bb e6 a8 a1 e6 93%ac e6 88%b0 tires. E5 85 a8 e6 b0 91 e5 b0 8f e5 b0 8f e5 85 b5 karaoke. E4 bf ae e7 9c 9f e8 b7 af e6 bc ab e6 bc ab remix. Google 検索は次の言語でもご利用いただけます: čeština Google のプライバシーに関するお知らせ 後で知らせる 今すぐ確認 チェコ プライバシー 規約 設定 広告 ビジネス Googleについて 検索の仕組み. E6 b5 ae e6 b0 97%e3 82%b5 e3 83%ac e5 a5 b3 7.

Ȳ“å’ªå§a.c.h. ɚ藏的c.a.r.e. YouTube. Edit Release Dates Israel 9 January 2020 Lebanon Saudi Arabia Ukraine Canada 10 January 2020 Estonia Indonesia India Romania USA Australia 23 January 2020 New Zealand Iceland 31 January 2020 Mexico Greece 13 February 2020 Singapore Lithuania 14 February 2020 UK 21 February 2020 Ireland Turkey Netherlands 27 February 2020 Portugal Hong Kong 5 March 2020 Norway 6 March 2020 Germany 12 March 2020 Russia Sweden 13 March 2020 Finland 27 March 2020 Also Known As (AKA) original title) Like a Boss Brazil Canada (English title) Canada (French title) La guerre des Boss France Hong Kong (Cantonese title) 波士鬥腦細 Like A Boss Israel (Hebrew title) Sakhaki Otta Bossit Italy Japan (Japanese title) Kaip bose Socias en guerra Sminkekrigen Quem É Que Manda Aqui? Slovenia Kot sef Turkey (Turkish title) Patron Gibi і (working title) Limited Partners.

Μποέin a new. 文章日期:2020年02月07日 《波士鬥腦細》(Like A Boss) 電影 簡介:一對閨蜜美露(露絲拜恩,Rose Byrne飾)和米雅(Tiffany Haddish飾)從小認識,感情要好,同居之餘更合資化妝品公司,兩人本以為可以一起賺錢,怎料公司突然欠下幾十萬債!化妝界臭名遠播的「女魔頭」嘉莉兒( 莎瑪希恩,Salma Hayek飾)看準時機,向美露和米雅提出誘人的收購協議,表面上做「白武士」,其 實另有陰謀,更令這對好姊妹的友情受到前所未有的考驗. 事業友情兩失意,米雅和美露能否絕地大翻身? 上映日期:2020年3月5日. 貓咪大戰爭 機關人偶貓. LINE(賴):mz363❤WeChat(微信):muziya456 外送區域:台北-新北-新竹-台中-彰化-台南-高雄 消費方式:見面滿意 現金消費 不刷卡 不匯款 不買點數 約會地點:旅館-飯店-汽旅-商旅-酒店-住家(VIP) 淫液時間:中午12:00- 凌晨05:00(提供包夜服務) 人生苦短 及時行樂 台灣本土 各類正妹 任你挑選 無論是寂寞空虛的夜想找人陪 工作累了倦了想舒壓放鬆 或者是夫妻間性福生活不和睦 在這裡您都可以得到滿足. 更多 回覆. 喜欢这部电影的人也喜欢. 姐妹老板的话题. ( 全部 条) 什么是话题 无论是一部作品一个人,还是一件事,都往往可以衍生出许多不同的话题.将这些话题细分出来,分别进行讨论,会有更多收获. 我要写影评 姐妹老板的影评. ( 全部 2 条) Ted 2020-01-18 20:23:25 不散之宴 影评第542话《姐妹老板》——不散之宴 影片《姐妹老板》于1月10日在美首映. 本片讲述了两位从初中就开始在一起的好闺蜜的创业故事. 两位女主从初中到高中到大学再到中年就从未分开过,二人携手创业化妆品公司. 本是而立之年的两位女主,在同学们都纷纷结婚生子的同时,两人... ( 展开) 影评教授 2020-01-10 22:26:11 影评第542话《姐妹老板》——不散之宴 影片《姐妹老板》于1月10日在美首映. 本片讲述了两位从初中就开始在一起的好闺蜜的创业故事. 两位女主从初中到高中到大学再到中年就从未分开过, 二人携手创业化妆品公司. 本是而立之年的两位女主,在同学们都纷纷结婚生子的同时, 两... > 更多影评 2篇.

貓咪大戰爭 貼吧.
E5 8f ab e6 88%91 e9 93%b8 e9 80%a0 e5 b8 88 for sale.
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E5 8f aa e6 9c 89%e4 ba 91%e7 9f a5 e9 81%93 reviews.

모두의마블 광고.  Service Online Service Online Service Time:9:00-17:30 Chinese Test(Chinese) Chinese Test(English)  Hotline 010-59307636 Only working days  TOP. E5 8f ab e6 88%91 e9 93%b8 e9 80%a0 e5 b8 88 3. E6 88 91 e6 98 af e7 a5 9e e7 ae ad e6 89 8b new. E9 9a b1 e8 97%8f e7 9a 84%e7 94%9f e6 b4 bb for sale.


Ce 92%cf 8c ce bc ce b2 ce b1 plus. E6 b7 b1 e6 b5 b7 e7 b5 82%e5 8a ab e7 ab 99 10. E6 88%90 e8 af ad e7 8a b6 e5 85%83 e9 83%8e 9. 超過一百分・卡提諾不意外 Copyright 2006-2020 CK101 Inc.


爆機自由仁 導演: 桑里維 演員: 賴恩雷諾士 片長. 分鐘 上映日期: 02/07/2020 壯志凌雲:獨行俠 約瑟高辛斯基 湯告魯斯珍妮花康納莉韋基馬米爾斯泰勒 25/06/2020 F9狂野時速 林詣彬 雲迪素米雪露芝姬絲泰列斯吉遜Chris ' Ludacris' Bridge莊先拿佐丹娜布絲達娜塔莉艾曼紐姜成海倫美蘭查理絲花朗 21/05/2020 黑寡婦 Cate Shortland 施嘉莉祖安遜科倫絲佩芝麗素慧絲大衛哈伯 30/04/2020 魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界 華特道恩 安娜姬妲妮Justin Timberlake森洛維占士高登麗素布魯 ½的魔法 丹史格倫 - 09/04/2020 麥路人 黃慶勳 郭富城楊千嬅劉雅瑟萬梓良張達明黃悅珈顧定軒鮑起靜吳嘉星苗可秀 02/04/2020 新異變人 祖舒保爾 Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga, Blu Hunt, Henry Zag 無聲絕境 II 約翰卡辛斯基 艾美莉賓特諾亞祖比美莉遜西蒙斯 19/03/2020 半職業特工隊 彼得薛高 戴夫巴蒂斯塔高兒寇曼 12/03/2020 波士鬥腦細 米吉阿堤達 露絲拜恩蒂芬妮夏迪舒莎瑪希恩 05/03/2020 極地守護犬 基斯辛達斯 夏里遜福嘉倫招莉仁丹史蒂文斯 喋血戰士 戴韋信 雲迪素伊莎岡莎莉絲森曉雲杜比卡彼佳皮爾斯 28/02/2020 隱形客 利雲紐 伊莉莎白莫斯艾迪士荷治絲多蕾特夏莉特黛亞奧利弗積遜高漢 27/02/2020 下半場 張榮吉 范少勳朱軒洋段鈞豪吳大維李霖霏 117 分鐘 大盜演 鍾盛遠錢江漢 李燦琛姜文杰詹瑞文曾美慧孜 96 分鐘 20/02/2020 超音鼠大電影 謝夫科拿 占基利占士馬史頓班舒禾茲蒂嘉森達娜塔莎露維爾尼爾麥當諾 阿當柏利 凶櫃 金廣斌 河正宇金南佶 瘋狂紳士幫 (4K) 佳烈治 馬修麥康納希查理亨南亨利高定米雪道格莉謝洛美史壯哥連菲路曉格蘭特 113 分鐘 20/02/2020.

E9 9a b1 e8 97 8f e7 9a 84 e7 94 9f e6 b4 bb tires. Åå¹»æ¨æ“¬. E6 b7 b1 e6 b5 b7 e7 b5 82%e5 8a ab e7 ab 99 1. Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi HSK Logo Simplified Chinese 汉语水平考试 Traditional Chinese 漢語水平考試 Transcriptions Standard Mandarin Hanyu Pinyin Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì Wade–Giles Han⁴-yü³ Shui³-pʻing² Kʻao³-shih⁴ Yale Romanization Hànyǔ Shweǐpíng Kǎushr̀ IPA [xânỳ ʂwèipʰǐŋ kʰàuʂɻ̩̂] Yue: Cantonese Yale Romanization hon yúh seuí pìhng háau si Jyutping hon3 jyu5 seoi2 ping4 haau2 si3 IPA [hɔ̄ːn ʔy̬ː sɵ̌y pʰɪ̏ŋ hǎːu sī] Southern Min Hokkien POJ Hàn-gú Chúi-pêng Khó-chhì An HSK (Level 6) Examination Score Report The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi ( HSK; Chinese: 汉语水平考试; pinyin: Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì) translated as the Chinese Proficiency Test used in China, 1] is the standardized test of Standard Chinese (a type of Mandarin Chinese) language proficiency of China for non-native speakers such as foreign students and overseas Chinese. It is not uncommon to refer to a standard or level of proficiency by the HSK level number, or score. For example, a job description might ask for foreign applicants with "HSK5 or better. " The test is administered by the Hanban, an agency of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Background, purpose and use [ edit] Development began in 1984 at Beijing Language and Culture University and in 1992 the HSK was officially made a national standardized test. By 2005, over 120 countries had participated as regular host sites and the tests had been taken around 100 million times ( domestic ethnic minority candidates included. 2] The general count of candidates from outside of China is stated as being around 1. 9 million. [3] In 2011, Beijing International Chinese College became the first HSK testing center to conduct the HSK test online. The HSK test approximates the English TOEFL, and an HSK certificate is valid without any limitation in China. The test aims to be a certificate of language proficiency for higher educational and professional purposes. The HSK is administered solely in Mandarin and in simplified Chinese characters; however, if the exam is paper-based, the test-taker can choose to write the writing assignments in simplified or in traditional characters, at their discretion. [4] The test can be either paper-based or Internet-based, depending on what the specific test center offers. With an Internet-based test, the writing part with characters (from HSK 3 on) is slightly easier, as one types the pinyin and selects the right character from the list, while with a paper-based test, one must remember the characters, their strokes and their order, and write them out. Test takers with outstanding results can win a scholarship for short-term language study in China. Current structure (since 2010. edit] The current format was introduced in 2010, with a philosophy of testing "comprehensive language and communication ability. 1] Most notable is the inclusion of written segments at all levels (not just Advanced, as in the pre-2010 test) reformation of the ranking system, and use of new question structures. Complete vocabulary lists, previous tests, and simulated tests are available as preparation materials. A minor update of the vocabulary lists was made in 2012. The HSK consists of a written test and an oral test, which are taken separately. This oral test is also known as the HSKK or 汉语水平口语考试. [5] 6] Written test [ edit] Level Vocabulary Written test Description [7] 8] Words [9] cumulative / new) Characters [10] cumulative / new) Listening Reading Writing 1 150 174 20 questions, 15 min 20 questions, 17 min Not tested Designed for learners who can understand and use some simple Chinese characters and sentences to communicate, and prepares them for continuing their Chinese studies. In HSK 1 all characters are provided along with Pinyin. 2 300 347 173 35 questions, 25 min 25 questions, 22 min Designed for learners who can use Chinese in a simple and direct manner, applying it in a basic fashion to their daily lives. In HSK 2 all characters are provided along with Pinyin. 3 600 617 270 40 questions 30 questions 10 items Designed for learners who can use Chinese to serve the demands of their personal lives, studies and work, and are capable of completing most of the communicative tasks they experience during their Chinese tour. 4 1200 1064 447 45 questions 15 items Designed for learners who can discuss a relatively wide range of topics in Chinese and are capable of communicating with Chinese speakers at a high standard. 5 2500 1300 1685 621 Designed for learners who can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, watch Chinese films and are capable of writing and delivering a lengthy speech in Chinese. 6 5000 2663 978 50 questions 1 composition Designed for learners who can easily understand any information communicated in Chinese and are capable of smoothly expressing themselves in written or oral form. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests each have a maximum score of 100. HSK 1 and 2 therefore have a maximum score of 200 with 120 points required to pass. [11] 12] HSK 3 and 4 have a maximum of 160 points with 100 points required to pass. [13] 14] There is no minimum number of points required for each of the sections as long as the sum is over 120 or 180 points respectively. HSK 5 and 6 also have a maximum of 300 points and originally required a score of 180 points to pass. [15] 16] However, since a decision made in February 2013, there has been no official passing score for either HSK 5 or 6. [17] Hanban provides examples of the exam for the different levels together with a list of words that need to be known for each level. [18] These examples are also available (together with the audio for the Listening Test) on the websites of the Confucius Institute at QUT [19] and HSK Academy. [20] Online test [ edit] The written version is now available in two forms, a computer and a paper based test. Both tests are still held at test centers, the differences between the two are as follows: 21] Not every test center has the facilities for conducting computer based tests Computer based tests allow you to input characters using the keyboard Results of computer based tests are published 2 weeks after the exam, paper based test results take 1 month Estimates of equivalent CEFR levels [ edit] In 2010, Hanban stated that the HSK's six levels correspond directly to the six levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 8] 22] However, this statement has been rejected by both the German [23] 1, 3, 5 and French [24] associations of Chinese language teachers, which argue that HSK level 6 is equivalent to CEFR level B2 or C1. HSK Estimated CEFR level according to... Words (sum) Characters (sum) Hanban France [24] Germany [23] Italy [ citation needed] TOCFL [25] C2 [26] B2-C1 B2 B1+ to B2 C1 [27] B1-B2 B1 A2+ to B1 B2 [28] A2 A1+ to A2 B1 [29] A1-A2 A1 A1. 1 to A1. 2 A2 [30] A1. 1 A1. 1 (without writing [31] Below A1 A1 [32] none Oral test [ edit] The HSKK test is a separate test. However, the three HSKK levels correspond with the six HSK levels of the written test. HSK level HSKK level ECR Words Questions Minutes Beginner A 200 27 17 Intermediate B 900 14 21 Advanced C 3000 24 Former structure (before 2010. edit] Test Rank (等第) Vocabulary (cumulative) Score (级别) Certificate Characters: 2865 Words: 8840 11 Advanced A 10 Advanced B 9 Advanced C* Elementary/ Characters: 2194 Words: 5257 8 Intermediate A 7 Intermediate B Intermediate C Characters: 1603 Words: 3052 Elementary A Elementary B Elementary C* Basic Characters: 800 Words: 1033 Basic A Basic B Basic C *Generally signifies a professional level. Generally required for non-language academic programs. Ranking [ edit] Formerly, there were 11 possible ranks (1-11) and 3 test formats (Basic, Elementary/Intermediate, and Advanced. A rank of between 3 and 8 was needed to enroll in a Chinese university, depending on the subject being studied. A score of 9 or higher was a common business standard. citation needed] A student taking the Basic test ( 基础 HSK) could attain a rank of 1 through 3 (1 级 -3 级) or fail to meet requirements and thus not receive a rank. The Elementary/Intermediate test ( 初中等 HSK) covered ranks 3-8 (3 级 -8 级) with ranks below 3 not considered. Likewise, the Advanced test ( 高等 HSK) covered ranks 9-11 (9 级 -11 级) with scores below 9 not considered. Content [ edit] The previous format for both Basic and Elementary/Intermediate HSK included four sections: listening comprehension, grammar structures, reading comprehension, and written expressions. Aside from the written expressions portion (which requires writing of Chinese characters) these two tests were completely multiple-choice. The Advanced HSK however, added an additional two portions: spoken and written. Test dates and locations [ edit] The HSK is held at designated test centers in China and abroad. [33] A list of test centers can be found at the HSK website. [34] Test dates are published annually and written tests are more frequently held than spoken ones, generally around once a month, depending on the test center. Test registration is usually open until 30 days prior to the actual test date for the paper-based test or around 10 days prior the actual test date for the computer-based test. Results are generally available around 30 days after completion (but no definite date is given for results. 35] The test cannot be taken on Taiwan, Kinmen, or any of the territories administered by the Republic of China. In these areas, only the TOCFL exam can be taken. Conversely, the TOCFL can not be taken in China, Macau, or Hong Kong. See also [ edit] Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language – the Chinese language test used in Taiwan ZHC – a Chinese language written test intended for native speakers in China Putonghua Proficiency Test – a Chinese language oral test intended for native speakers in China CTCSOL - Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages [36] List of language proficiency tests References [ edit] a b 汉语水平考试2007年起将增加口语写作, 2006-12-26, The 2007 HSK Revision Will Add Spoken and Writing Portions. " Official HSK Center Introduction, HSK Center ^ HSK Test - Vocabulary List and Information. Retrieved 2019-02-04. ^ HSK and FAQ. Retrieved 2019-02-04. ^ 汉语水平口语考试(HSKK. Confucius Institute at Western Michigan University - 西密歇根大学孔子学院. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ Chinese Character Lists by New HSK Level. Archived from the original on 12 May 2015. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ Introduction on New HSK Test. Archived from the original on 2012-10-26. Retrieved 2019-02-04. ^ a b "Chinese Tests_HSK. Archived from the original on 11 June 2019. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ 资源中心- 汉语考试服务网. Retrieved 2 May 2015. Link "新汉语水平考试(HSK)词汇(2012年修订版)" Character lists are not published separately, but can be derived from the published word lists. Character lists Level 1: 爱八爸杯子北京本不客气菜茶吃出租车打电话大的点脑视影东西都读对起多少儿二饭店飞机分钟高兴个工作狗汉语好号喝和很后面回会几家叫今天九开看见块来老师了冷里六妈吗买猫没关系有米名字明哪那呢能你年女朋友漂亮苹果七前钱请去热人认识三商上午谁什么十时候是书水睡觉说四岁他她太听同学喂我们五喜欢下雨先生现在想小姐些写谢星期习校一衣服医院椅月再怎样这中国住桌昨坐做 Level 2: 吧白百帮助报纸比别宾馆长唱歌穿次从错篮球到得等弟第懂房间非常务员告诉哥给公共汽司贵过还孩黑红火站场鸡蛋件教室介绍进近就咖啡始考试可以课快乐累离两零路旅游卖慢忙每妹门条男您牛奶旁边跑步便宜票妻床千铅笔晴让日班身体病事情手表送虽然但它踢足题跳舞外完玩晚往为问瓜希望洗笑新姓休息雪颜色眼睛羊肉药要也已经意思因所阴泳右鱼远运动早丈夫找着真正知道准备走最左 Level 3: 阿姨啊矮安静把搬办法半包饱方被鼻较赛记必须变化冰箱而且单参加草层差超市衬衫成绩城迟除船春词典聪扫算带担心糕当地灯铁图梯邮冬物短段锻炼饿耳朵发烧放附复干净感冒趣刚才根据跟更斤园故刮风于害怕板护照花画坏迎环境换黄河答议或者乎极季节检查简健康讲角脚接街目结婚束解决借理久旧句定渴刻空调口哭裤筷蓝礼历史脸练辆聊邻居留楼绿马满帽拿南难级轻鸟努力爬山盘胖皮鞋啤酒瓶其实奇怪骑清楚假秋裙容易如伞网声音世界瘦叔舒树数刷牙双平阳特疼提育甜头突腿碗万忘位文惯澡夏相信香蕉向像闻鲜用卡行李熊需选择求爷般直银饮料应该响戏又遇愿越张急顾片只终种重周末主注自己总嘴业 Level 4: 排全按之棒保证抱歉倍笨毕遍标格示演扬饼并博士管仅部擦猜材观餐厅厕江尝功诚乘惊抽烟厨传窗户粗存误案扮扰印招呼折针概使约戴刀导处底倒登牌低址掉丢堵肚童展律翻译烦恼反弃暑松份丰富否则符合父亲付款负责杂改赶敢速胳膊各资购够估计鼓励挂键众光广播逛规籍际汁程海洋羞寒汗航码适盒悔厚互联怀疑忆活泼获积基础激及即划技术既继续寄油具价坚持减肥建将奖金降落交流通郊区骄傲饺授受释尽紧禁止剧济验精彩景警察竞争竟镜究举拒绝距聚虑烤鸭科棵咳嗽怜惜肯恐苦矿泉困垃圾桶拉辣懒浪费漫虎拜貌厉例俩连凉另利乱麻毛巾美丽梦迷密免秒民族母耐内龄弄暖偶尔队列判断陪批评肤脾篇骗乒乓破葡萄普签敲桥巧克戚况穷取缺却确闹任何扔仍入散森林沙伤量稍微勺社申深甚至命省剩失败傅纪收拾首售货输熟悉帅顺序硕死度塑袋酸随孙台抬态谈弹钢琴汤糖躺趟讨论厌供醒填停挺推脱袜危险卫味温章污染无柿吸引咸羡慕详细橡消伙效辛封奋幸福性修许压呀膏亚洲严研盐养邀钥匙叶页切艺此象赢聘永勇优秀幽默尤由局谊愉与羽言预原谅阅云允志咱暂脏增占线整式支值职植指质围祝贺著专转赚仔尊座 Level 5: 哎唉慰装岸暗熬夜握摆傍裹含括薄宝贝怨背悲领彼避编辑鞭炮辩达凌毒玻璃脖补充布骤财产采访虹踩惭愧操册测曾叉插拆品途抄朝潮湿吵架炒库厢彻沉趁称赞立恳承亏池塘尺翅膀冲器宠屉丑臭版席初夕统帘闯创造吹汇辞刺匆糙促醋催措施喷嚏厦型呆代替贷待纯独耽胆鬼淡挡致岛屿霉德滴敌毯震递钓顶冻洞豆腐逗堆兑吨蹲顿余躲藏恶劣愁抖挥罚繁荣映范妨碍仿佛皂废配析纷斗俗疯狂讽扶幅辅妇制革善盖念脆燥档搞隔壁厂寓恭贡献沟构姑娘古股骨掌固乖拐弯闭官冠军滑临泛归纳矩模柜滚锅庆王敏哈喊豪华核恨猴忽胡壶蝴蝶糊涂裔孕缓幻慌灰尘恢率姻跃柴伴肌烈诊集录寂寞夹庭乡嘉甲设驾驶嫁强肩艰巨兼捡剪筑酱浇胶狡猾训阶触账戒届属谨慎营神救舅桔俱捐均匀幕砍靠颗闲控夸宽昆虫扩椒拦烂朗劳婆鼠姥雷类厘梨润益恋良粮食灵铃域浏览泪龙漏陆轮逻骂麦馒矛盾贸眉媒煤炭魅秘蜜蜂苗描胜迹显令摸摩托陌某木嫩源嗯宁农村浓欧拍派盼培赔偿佩盆碰披疲匹飘拼频衡凭迫企启氛谦虚浅欠枪墙抢悄瞧妙勤青绪趋势娶圈权劝乏群燃绕币忍软弱洒嗓杀漠滩傻晒删闪扇蛇舍射击摄伸升绳略眠诗狮石髦尚践劲兵似卷套寿梳蔬摔甩税丝绸毫私撕搜索宿碎损缩锁拳坦烫逃桃淘殊征倡纲贴挑战痛偷投透土吐兔团荐退歪络返威胁违唯维伟尾巴委屈未置胃柔吻稳卧屋奈谓武勿雾瞎载吓艳县限肠享项链棋销孝歇斜血欣赏形状兄胸叙述宣寻询迅押齿延肃宴痒腰摇咬辈旦依移遗憾乙亿义素英俊雄硬拥挤惠悠犹豫炸幼娱玉订防晕灾糟摘窄粘涨召哲珍阵振睁齐政府治挣执疗秩智慧旬猪竹逐渐煮抓饰撞追咨姿紫综裁阻组织醉敬遵守 Level 6: 挨癌症暧昧昂凹凸奥扒疤拔罢霸掰颁斑侣绑榜磅庇袱沧桑姆障仇酬暴露曝爆卑鄙哀惨壳叛诵奔波驰拙崩溃甭迸蹦逼涕喻塞弊端臂疆缘策贬扁迁辨辫彰憋墅扭濒雹丙拨涛剥削伯搏捕捉哺乳堪屑伐署缝谋残疾酷灿仓苍舱纵嘈侧岔刹诧异搀馋缠阐颤昌盛敞畅钞巢穴嘲撤淀闷陈呈挚诺堡惩澄橙秤钝赤沛叠崇稠筹储蓄犯川舶喘串捧炊垂锤粹洁慈祥磁雌伺丛凑鲁窜摧搓磋挫搭猎仗臣肆歹徒怠逮怯诞辰党捣盗窃稻谷罪笼蹬瞪堤坝抵抗颠簸缀垫惦奠叼雕吊跌丁叮嘱盯董荡脉栋兜陡峭督赌杜伍哆嗦堕额遏恩氧碳誓炎番凡殖驳馈滥畴贩御纺禽兽翔沃诽谤肺寝墟沸腾寸裂泌歧吩咐坟墓粉愤怒锋逢奉敷衍俘虏辐抚俯蚀朽副赋予裕腹泻覆钙旱涉尴尬慨岗港湾杠杆峰稿诫疙瘩鸽搁割颂阂抒蒂踪耕攻宫殿巩鸣勾钩孤辜雇佣杖辖贯灌溉罐辉芒阔轨跪棍渡滤瘾嗨滨暄罕捍迈耗呵蔼睦谐嘿痕狠横哼轰烘宏洪哄喉咙吼忧唤啸吁湖泊瓣蕾侨妆添筒患荒谬唐皇帝昏恍悟晃霍煌毁灭晤贿赂荤浑混淆浊箭焰讥饥械吉躁嫉妒忌讳佳肴晓尖锐韧监狱煎拣陋谍剑舰艇踏溅鉴僵桨娇焦侥搅拌缴皆揭奏杰晶截竭剖融津锦晋浸泡茎纬讶兢井颈椎惕纠拘鞠躬咀嚼沮丧瞩倔君辟拓刊勘探侃慷扛拢磕啃坑孔怖惧隙腔扣枯萎泣甘涩挎跨筐旷框捆喇叭蜡烛啦栏惰狼狈吞咽捞牢骚唠叨愣黎碑睬壮粒盟廉晾辽淋吝啬伶俐魂晨袖溜氓聋哑隆垄罩搂炉灶屡履掠夺廓胎坛啰唆绎痹蚂蚁嘛埋伏葬蔓碌盲茫茂枚萌芽猛眯弥惑谜棉疫勉绘瞄渺藐亡蔑捷誉膜磨魔抹莫墨睹沐浴辕辙涵拟逆捏凝拧纽奴隶虐挪哦殴呕趴斥徘徊遣攀旋畔庞抛沫烹饪劈惫倦屁譬偏僻浮撇贫庸屏坡颇魄扑铺朴瀑凄欺协旗袍帜乞丐岂蒙迄掐洽恰徙牵扯逊潜谴劫梁窍翘锲钦侵俭倾澈晰柬帖丘陵曲驱渠缔赴犬陷瘸嚷饶恕惹祸盈眶仁溶揉儒若撒谎嫂啥筛烁擅筋捎梢哨奢侈舌氏呻吟绅圣仙审渗疏肖锈牲畜尸野逝缚竖耍衰涮胞爽泥瞬斯肢寺庙饲惮耸艘苏讼隧塌塔泰贪婪摊瘫痪叹倘掏滔陶瓷汰伦堂田径舔剔剂衅亭滞膨胀缉讯铜掷秃壤拖妥椭唾挖掘哇娃瓦丸顽挽惋妄伪畏蔚雅窝乌诬耻衷赖侠侮辱蹈昔牺溪熄膝袭媳悦菌峡狭隘霞纤掀贤弦衔嫌宪阱馅镇镶嵌巷潇翼携泄郎颖薪仰旺腥刑勃凶汹涌膛绣嗅牧酗喧哗悬崖炫耀霜熏觅巡循抑榨鸦雀淹峻岩沿掩谣遥蛮液帆苟裳仪亦毅擎隐蔽瞒婴恒踊郁腻漆紊稚诱渔愚蠢舆宇宙绒兆欲愈冤枉宵谱岳酝酿蕴熨砸咋栽宰攒遭殃蹋噪贼赠扎渣眨诈债券沾瞻斩钉崭役帐篷蓬沼泽遮侦稀珠斟酌枕撼蒸宗郑撑援柱枝脂肪侄央忠肿瘤舟州粥昼皱纹株诸拄宅驻铸拽砖庄稼卸幢悼坠卓琢滋旨棕廊揍赁挠祖钻唇铭 ^ HSK Test - HSK 1 (English. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ HSK Test - HSK 2 (English. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ HSK Test - HSK 3 (English. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ HSK Test - HSK 4 (English. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ HSK Test - HSK 5 (English. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ HSK Test - HSK 6 (English. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ 新HSK为什么要取消合格线 (in Chinese. 18 December 2013. 从2013年2月起,HSK(五级)HSK(六级)取消了合格线,参加这两个等级考试的考生,获得的成绩报告中删除了“总分180分为合格(Passing Score: 180)”的字样. ^ HSK Test - Vocabulary List and Information. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ QUT - The Confucius Institute - New Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK and YCT. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ Official HSK Vocabulary Lists translated in English, by HSK Academy ^ HSK Test Frequently Asked Questions ^ Introduction on New HSK Test, 2010, archived from the original on 26 October 2012, retrieved 26 July 2010 ^ a b Association of Chinese Teachers in German Speaking Countries (1 June 2010. Erklärung des Fachverbands Chinesisch e. V. zur neuen Chinesischprüfung HSK" Statement of the Fachverband Chinesisch e. (Association of Chinese Teachers in German Speaking Countries) on the new HSK Chinese Proficiency Test] PDF. Fachverband Chinesisch (in German, Chinese, and English. Fachverband Chinesisch e. Retrieved 7 August 2018. ^ a b Bellassen, Joël (2011. Is Chinese Europcompatible? Is the Common European Framework Common. The Common European Framework of References for Languages Facing Distant Language. New Prospect for Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education —Exploring the Possibilities of Application of CECR—. Tokyo: World Language and Society Education Center (WoLSEC. pp. 23–31. ISBN   978-4-925243-85-8. ^ 華語文等級對照 (in Chinese. 國家華語測驗推動工作委員會 Steering Committee for the Test Of Proficiency - Huayu. Retrieved 25 September 2019. CEFR 華語文能力測驗 TOCFL 新漢語水平考試 HSK 通過等級 詞彙量 通過等級 詞彙量 under A1. 一級 150 二級 300 A1 Level 1 入門級 500 三級 600 A2 Level 2 基礎級 1000 四級 1200 B1 Level 3 進階級 2500 五級 2500 B2 Level 4 高階級 5000 六級 5000及以上 C1 Level 5 流利級 8000. C2 Level 6 精通級 8000以上 ^ HSK Level VI. Hanban, archived from the original on 12 January 2019, retrieved 12 October 2017 ^ HSK Level V. Hanban, archived from the original on 12 January 2019, retrieved 12 October 2017 ^ HSK Level IV. Hanban, archived from the original on 12 January 2019, retrieved 12 October 2017 ^ HSK Level III. Hanban, archived from the original on 12 January 2019, retrieved 12 October 2017 ^ HSK Level II. Hanban, archived from the original on 13 January 2019, retrieved 12 October 2017 ^ ohne Schriftzeichenkenntnisse ^ HSK Level I. Hanban, archived from the original on 13 January 2019, retrieved 12 October 2017, It is the counterpart of the Level I of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the A1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF. ^ HSK Test Preparation & Practice - Free Trial - HSK Practice Tests - HSK Practice Questions - HSK Score Improvement. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ 考试计划- 汉语考试服务网. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ HSK Test Regulations. Retrieved 2 May 2015. ^ 考试介绍. 《国际汉语教师证书》考试是由孔子学院总部/国家汉办主办的一项标准化考试. External links [ edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to HSK. This audio file was created from a revision of the article " Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi " dated 2005-12-14, and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article. Audio help) Official HSK Website Official HSK Website at Hanban List of Chinese characters needed to be known to pass HSK List of HSK words by level on Wiktionary Exam Centre: Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Passing the HSK Exam HSK Anti mix-up tool The Ultimate HSK Guide including all 5000 vocabularies with Pinyin and translation.

E9 ad 94 e9 ac bc e8 be af e8 ad b7 e4 ba ba lyrics. Ce 9a ce bf ce bd cf 84%ce ac unit. 모두의마블 르블랑. 2020年01月13日 (06:54 下午) 戰爭片一鏡到底真係相當有誠意. 《1917:逆戰救兵》海報 今屆金球獎,《1917:逆戰救兵》成為大贏家,勇奪最佳導演及戲劇類最佳電影等大獎,挾贏盡大獎之勢,金球獎過後,美國發行商擴大放映院線,暫時大收1397萬美(約1. 08億港),踢走高踞票房榜首三星期的《星球大戰:天行者崛起》,成為票房冠軍. 根據娛樂新聞網站「Hollywood Reporter」報道,《美麗有罪》《新鐵金剛:智破天凶城》導演森文迪斯(Sam Mendes)執導的《1917:逆戰救兵》,第一個星期票房將會達至3700萬美,此作成本約9000萬美,若不計發行宣傳成本,相信可以封蝕本門.《逆戰救兵》講述於一戰期間,英軍即將墮入德軍陷阱,為扭轉頹勢,兩名小將臨時上陣,必須於一日內穿過敵陣,向前線手足傳達停止進攻命令,如果任失敗,1600名英軍將會全軍覆亡.電影其中最大賣點為長鏡頭一鏡到底的拍攝手法,單單綵排就已用逾半年時間,可能因此而吸引不少觀眾慕名入場. 《波士鬥腦細》劇照 同一時間於美國還兩部新片上畫,包括《波士鬥腦細》(Like a Boss),由《賤鄰50》露絲拜恩(Rose Byrne)《中坑同學會》莎瑪希恩(Salma Hayek)主演,上畫一日收390萬美票.反觀,另一新片《深海異獸》(Underwater)則成績欠佳. 《深海異獸》海報 《深海異獸》講述因一場劇烈地震,位於3. 7萬呎海底的研究站即將淹沒,站內的六人小隊為了求生,只有依靠重型裝備,徒步橫越海床到荒廢鑽探站,眾不單止要克服缺氧危機,而且要提防隱藏於深處的變種怪物隨時突襲.電影單日收249萬美,排在《以公義之名》(Just Mercy)及《逃出魔幻紀:霸氣升呢》之後. 《爆炸性醜聞》海報 順帶一提,金球獎結束後,大會宣布出年將會將次由《娛樂揸Fit人》天娜菲(Tina Fey)和愛美寶拉(Amy Poehler)擔當司儀.另外,美國化妝及髮型師公會前日公布得獎名單,《爆炸性醜聞》贏得最佳當代電影化妝髮型及特別化妝效果等3個獎項,皆因戲中查理絲花朗的造型幾乎百分百還原霍士新聞主播凱莉(Megyn Kelly),橫掃大獎實至名歸.而《Joker小丑》和《唐頓莊園》則分別奪得最佳特定時代/人物電影的化妝及髮型獎.
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